Thursday 19 February 2009

Altered ATC

The Jan/feb challenge in New Inspirations was to make a matchbox shrine from an old atc so I found an old one I had, took it apart and made this matchbox shrine, the front is the old atc which had been embellished with the friendly plastic sun, I printed off the picture, embossed an old tomato puree tube for the roof,reapplied the sun and added some shells to the base and there you have it - a 'Shrine to the Sun'


AliMayes said...

That is so much fun Maureen. I must try something like that some time!
Ali xx

Jan said...

Gosh - that was quick!! Brilliant use of all the elements and fantastic result.

Heather said...

Love your shrine to the sun Maureen. What a little treasure. I made my first ATCs yesterday and really enjoyed doing them.

Pattie said...

What a great idea !beautifully done love it !xx

Heather said...

Thankyou for your kind words and good wishes Maureen. If you email your address to me I will certainly send you one of my ATCs. You'll get me at and I would love one of yours. Best wishes, Heather.

Unknown said...

such imagination...truly a superb piece of art..hugs sasyx

Jackie said...

You are very productive and inspired. I hope the shrine makes the sun come out. Lovely work.