Monday 21 December 2009

New Stamp

Last week after much dithering I sent for the Pucinni's Muse wood mounted stamp, unusual for me as I prefer the unmounted sort these days for storage reasons, anyway it is a lovely stamp and now I must use it!! , so here it is on a birthday card.



Hello Maureen, Love your new stamp and your card is gorgeous. Hugs Judy

Heather said...

Gorgeous card Maureen, my son would love it too as he's mad on all things Japanese. I have just been very naughty and treated myself to membership of the Graphicus Guild so I hope to improve my stamping skills in the New Year.

John Dyhouse said...

lovely card (and a very lovely stamp) Maureen.

Happy christmas to you and yours

Viv said...

Love this to bits Maureen....