Saturday 9 October 2010

Ink Dusters

Ink dusters, or to me they just look like shaving brushes but they certainly do the job of applying ink and giving that faux brayer look. This card I did when we were having a cotswold craft night and I was so pleased with the result I really was guilty of boring Jan and Wendy with the finished card, I used my Hobby Arts - Scene it - stamps to add the finishing touches.
The photo is of Jan, Wendy and I on the park and ride bus going in to Oxford - not a craft shop in site tho'!


Jan said...

Oh no! Not the dreaded beach scene again!!!! Actually, it's beginning to grow on me now and looks quite good on screen!
But, look at that photo......... I appear to be dressed as though I'm going to the North Pole!

Heather said...

No craft shops?!!! Shock, horror! Love the card and the delicate blended colours you have used.

Anne said...

Beautiful! You should have hopped on a bus to Wantage from Oxfod and the Stamp Attic Maureen

Pattie said...

Ohhhhh lovely to see this pic of the 3 of you,looks like your having fun,love the card too ! x

WendyK said...

Oh no, not the masterpiece again, is it in a frame yet ????
The ink dusters are brilliant aren't they.