At our last craft and natter our friend Barry gave each of us three die cut pages to decorate so after a brief panic I decided on steampunk and used printed images,stamps and diecuts to decorate the pages,I thought a dictionary definition of Steampunk was a good centrepiece for the front page. At the moment I'm not doing too much in the craft line as I'm getting ready for my upcoming holiday,and when we get home the first job is to TIDY the craft room!! hopefully.
I'm not usually attracted by Steampunk but your book is wonderful. I do like the shapes of cogs and wheels and the antiqued look of the pages. A great success.
Wow looks great Maureen, you're really getting into this steam punk theme.
Hope you have a great holiday xx
Wow Maureen this is simply fabulous !!
Kevin xx
Hello Maureen, You always create such great looking cards. Have a lovely holiday. Hugs Judy
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