Thursday 3 January 2013

Changes or me??

Well I was going to upload a couple of pictures but have things changed since before christmas or am I losing it completely - I can't fathom how to get the pictures so i'll just say Happy New Year everyone and fade back to facebook!!


Heather said...

I think Blogger has a mind of it's own sometimes Maureen. It'll probably play nicely tomorrow! Happy New Year to you too.

Mrs A. said...

I'm going slowly bonkers here as I can't load any photos either. I know I havn't run out of space as I have been resizing each photo to inside bloggers size limit of 800 pixels. Hope it is just a glitch. Hugs Mrs A.

Mrs A. said...

Hi Maureen, Can't see a seperate email link for you on your page but but if you email me to the address
on my side bar i will reply with how I managed to skirt round the problem. Bit fidly but can be done.
Hugs Mrs A.

Mrs A. said...

Hi maureen have sent you HOW TO emil. hugs Mrs A.

Jackie said...

Happy New Year Maureen. I don't get about into blogland as much as I should but I thought of you when I did my latest post as there's a little giveaway you might find useful.