Saturday 30 August 2008

Wild Woman from Oz and other goodies.

Lovely things in the post this morning, I did a Wild Woman Swap with Doreen in Australia and got her lovely one this morning,she called it 'Flower Power', it's just my colours and also just in time to wear next week when I go to Crafts4crafters at Newark and see Sarah Lawrence the original Wild woman. I also got some beautiful fabrics from Connie, they are crying out to be mixed with vintage pictures as a post card or book page or both, think I'm beginning to get inspired again, the trouble is i want to do everything at once.


Anonymous said...

So good......


loving this Mo.

Will definitely need a tutorial on Bondaweb transfers too. lol.

I do hope your dear Mum is ok, an that things will get better not only for her, but for you also.

Loved going through your blog, i only have to be away a week, and i've missed such beautiful pieces of work.

take care

Viv said...

Can't believe you didn't put this on upside down......LOL (Gorgeous whichever way!)

Doreen G said...

Glad you like it Maureen --you are like me when it comes to doing so many different things at once--don't know which one to do first.

Jan said...

Isn't she gorgeous!


Hello Maureen, Love you wild woman gift from Australia.

I have nominated you for the Kretiv Award, you can find out about it on my blog. Hugs Judy

Cyber Fyber said...

Today I'm creating labels for the ATCs in the upcoming CYBER FYBER exhibition but I can't resist sneaking a peek into some of the blogs while I work. I'm so glad I looked in on your wonderful blog. Please add my thoughts and prayers to your own and those of others for your mother's speedy recovery. Love your recent work and trades. Thanks for sharing and especially for trading with me!
CYBER FYBER and also