Sunday 23 November 2008

Catching up!

This week I am trying to finish off all the things I am making for little christmas gifts and I think tonight it will be write the christmas cards . It is likely that soon we will have to clear my Mum's home and I want everything finished by then, it is a job I am dreading - what will I do with it all?? - still must be done. The picture is another bit of machine felting I did last week.


Heather said...

I had to clear my Mum's home two years ago - it's not a pleasant task but I think you might feel better when it's done. It seemed all wrong dispersing things but it had to be done. I find great comfort in my textile work during times of stress especially, and hope you do too.

Jackie said...

That must be a horrible job. I hope it goes smoothly for you.

Deepa said...

Hello Maureen,
Long time...
Beautiful cards...
Hope the clearing up goes smoothly for you..
Take it easy..