Last year after the Embellisher course, Dale from the Thread Studio, issued a world wide challenge to produce a piece of work made on the embellisher with the theme of 'Connections', prizes were to be awarded and it would also go on show at Quilt and stitching fairs all over Australia and finish up in England at Ally Pally in October. My piece was based on the connection of a healthy sea / healthy coral and I've posted it here.You can also see the exhibit in miniatue here The piece is approx 8x8 inches and made using a mixture of fibres and fabrics on foiled felt, texture was added by melting with a heat gun, the friendly fish are felt and hand stitching ,shell and beads finished it off.
Thank you Ali for the award, i'll put it on my blog then try to sort the rest when I've finished this weeks crazy patchwork 'homework'.
Your piece looks great Maureen
It's lovely Maureen, congratulations! Connie.
This is lovely Maureen. The little fishes and your hand stitching are just right for suggesting an under water scene.
It is so beautiful Maureen - when it is enlarged it's possible to see all the minute details, the little beads etc and the different textures. The transparent effect of the fishes swimming in the blue area is so clever as well. Congratulations! xx
I love your piece Maureen and am lookingforward to seeing it in real life when Dale brings it to Brisbane at the end of May - at least I hope she is bringing the exhibition, the website doesn't really say, but other people have said the connections show will be there. Cheers, Robin
Hello Maureen, This art piece is truly beautiful. Love your stitching. Congratulation !! Hugs Judy
A gorgeous piece of work Maureen, love all the detail on it
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