A book I bought a few weeks ago, Page after Page by Frances Pickering, has really inspired me to have a go at making stitched, paper books,(I know I'm doing too many things at once and we still have to get my MIL resited in a new nursing home whilst doing battle with the Social Services, but that's a whole other story)anyway my idea is to start some pages and covers and next weekend when we are caravanning with Jan and her OH hopefully we can both make a book or two together. This picture is of a cover made from pelmet vilene, coloured with spray inks and a daisy drawn on it, I then painted the petals with bleach to remove the colour and added some more colour with crayon, I used a soldering iron to cut the rough shape. Hopefully next time it is on this blog the book will be finished and the cover stitched.
Get it published!!! Love it.
(And using bleach in this way is far more fun than using it to clean the loo!!!!! rofl x)
What a lovely page Maureen, I look forward to seeing the finished book. Good luck with social services, I hope you get your MIL settled in soon. Cheers, Robin
OMG Maureen this is beautiful.
I must agree with Viv about the bleach.
Maureen its gorgeous, what a fab idea and i love love love that daisy. Cant wait to see it finished
hugs June xxxxxx
Your daisy book cover is stunning Maureen. I have Frances Pickering's book too - it's wonderful isn't it?
This is amazing Maureen.... is this what you were telling me about? I absoloutely love it... the colour and design are incredible. And what were you saying about not being able to draw?!! You have left me way behind and I am definitely on completely different path with mine! Hey-ho!
Gorgeous Maureen, loce the design
Your page is beautiful, Maureen! I also bought the book some weeks ago, maybe it's time to have a look at it again......
Hello My Friend, I am back again after more computer woes. I hope you win your battle with the gov. offices. I am sure they can be a pain. Your lovely page is fantastic. Love it. Have fun with your visitor. Hugs Judy
ooh I like this!!
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