Not getting on too well at the moment, we have just had to have a flying visit to Yorkshire as my Aunt hasn't been well, all in the middle of a visit to her from my cousin and her family, so we went to see how she was and spent some time with her after Sandi left, think she's on the mend now and just needs to look after herself, OH has just gone off to visit his mum who also isn't so good at the moment. Not much to show in the crafting line altho I did make this bookmark last week, I think now I'm going to indulge myself and make a couple of birthday cards for the charity box, hopefully they'll cheer me up.
Hi Maureen,hope things have improved by now,this bookmark is beautiful,puts my stitching to shame lol x
Hello Maureen, Hope your Auntie is feeling better. Loved your roses bookmark, your stitching is always fantastic. Hugs Judy
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