Thursday 30 October 2008

Double Award!

Double because two lovely people have awarded it to me, they are Margaret and Sue, it is awarded to 5 people, 4 who are regular followers of your blog and one from a different country who is new to your blog.Also link back to the blog that the award came from. I am passing it on to the following five bloggers :-
my fifth choice is from Germany and is Gabybee

Please ladies, pass it on to your blog followers.


WendyK said...

Thank you very much Maureen, I will get it on my Blog asap

Viv said...

Thank you Maureen! Promise will pass it on as soon as I can!

Genie said...

Congratulations on a double award

konnykards .. Musings of a Senior Citizen said...

Congratulations Maureen and thank you for the award which I will pass on.
(Maybe I shouldn't have it, you know I never know how to pass things on properly.(The technical side of blogging confuses me!!) Connie.

Gaby Bee said...

Thanks for the honor, Maureen. Now I got this award twice. First in September from Debbie and nowadays I received this award from you.
What a fun :-) Thanks a lot!

Big Hugs to you


Jackie said...

OOPS! That means Konny had it twice on the same day..Oh well she deserves it.